Your Target Audience Only Wants a Few Simple Things From You.


Every organization on earth exists to identify a group of people and convince them to do something. And so it would be a really good thing to know how a group of people decide to do something. Since that's what we are all here to do. 

When you look at various human-behavior-focused fields of scientific inquiry, you'll see they all agree that our lives are ruled by an unavoidable human drive to run towards the things we already care about. In other words, our values determine everything we do. This is well-studied and well-documented. Until now, however, this fundamental scientific truth has not been an operationally useful tool. 

Meet Valuegraphics, the world's first global database of what everyone on earth cares about most. Built from 500,000 surveys in 152 languages, with more accuracy than you need for a Ph.D. from any university in the world. It is a random stratified statistically representative sample of the population of 9 regions of the planet, encompassing 180 countries out of a possible 186. It measures the 56 core human values, as well as an additional 380 contextualizing questions about those values, so we know what people want, need, and expect as they pursue the values they hold most dear. 

With the Valuegraphics Database, we can tell you what any target audience, for anything in the world, cares about most. We can pinpoint the precise set of values from the list of 56 that your customers or clients or prospects are out hunting for.

And once you know those few values your target audience has in common, well, it's quite simple to give them more of what they want, and not worry about the things they aren't interested in at all. The guesswork is gone. Effectiveness and efficiency are improved exponentially.

And perhaps most importantly, by understanding what the people you serve really care about, instead of relying on outdated demographic stereotypes from days gone by, you've helped us all take a step towards a less divisive and divided planet. Right now, at a time when so many forces seem so intent on driving us apart, anything that can help bring us together should be embraced. 🙏🏼