Over the past century or so, human beings have fundamentally changed. It’s happened more rapidly than ever before.
If we could time travel, the people we were 100 years ago would not recognize who we have become. Our values define us, and we have become something entirely new.
But here’s the problem.
Our world is based on institutions that are hundreds if not thousands of years old, and these big lumbering dinosaurs have not kept up. Democracy, religion, education, politics, finance, capitalism: these systems were created in the olden days, based on what people valued back then.
And as humans continue to evolve quickly in a world that changes slowly, the gap gets bigger as time goes by. This gap is the reason we have so much divisiveness in our lives. We struggle daily, on a global scale, to live in a world that does not match our values.
So how can we fix this?
If organizations knew for certain what people really value, they could build companies, products, services, and brands that people truly care about. Modern people. People from today. Not ideas about who people are based on demographic stereotypes from days gone by. And if organizations everywhere create things based on what we value, we’d see a gradual shift as a new world slowly emerged all around us.
The good news is that today it’s possible.
Any organization can have an accurate understanding of the shared human values of the people they want to reach. We no longer need to guess what resonates with people deep inside their hearts. Valuegraphics will change the way organizations look at people forever.
Which is precisely what must happen. Because if we change the way we look at people, we can change the world.