New Proof that Generational Profiles are Ridiculous

It’s hard to think of a more credible source of proof than this. This is the big leagues. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine have completed a rigorous study and they agree with us:


They used different words, of course:

"Contrary to popular narratives, the committee found, rigorous studies have shown that individuals from the same generation are just as likely to be different from one another as they are from individuals born in other generations."

And while they didn't go this far, if generational stereotyping is stupid nonsense in the workplace, why would it magically be true anywhere outside of the workplace?

Let's make it easier to remember for all the generationally-obsessed: THERE ARE NO GENERATIONAL SIMILARITIES.

Let's all just agree that demographic profiles can tell us WHAT people are but have nothing to do with WHO people are.

The ONLY way to meaningfully understand people is to know what they care about, what they value, what makes them human.

Read the full study at:

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