Valuegraphics Data Can Help This Industry Now More Than Ever.

I'VE BEEN ASKED TO HELP AN INDUSTRY WORTH $1.1 TRILLION STAY ON TRACK to hit what experts say should be $2.33 trillion by 2026. I'm ready.

Values Thinking can have a huge impact and I hope we can help a lot of people with our research findings at the Meeting Professionals International World Education Congress.

By combining primary research and our dataset of a half-million surveys, we identified the three kinds of people who attend meetings and events. Then, we isolated what they value and care about most.

This means meeting professionals can plan exponentially more powerful events by triggering the shared values of their attendees.

Knowing exactly what your target audience cares about has never been more important. If this is your sector, reach out now, and maybe I can share a few highlights that will help?

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