How to Find Your Customers' Shared Values

David Allison looking at his notepad sitting over a couch.

Valuegraphic profiles are so much more useful than demographic profiles because they tell you how to engage your target audience.

Customers Shared Values

After all, our values drive our decisions, including what we choose to pay attention to. Once you know what values your target audience shares (aka their valuegraphics) you can engage with them like never before.

OF COURSE THE FIRST STEP is to find the shared values of your target audience. You can hire us to do this in a super-duper accurate way. But it's not free and it's not for everyone.

THE ZERO-COST WAY is to just ask the right questions. Next time you send out a survey, or talk to your customers in any way, ask them these questions:

1. Why do you go to work every day?

2. Why would you give away half your lottery winnings?

3. What would you say to your ten-years-ago self, and why?

Everyone will use different words to answer these questions, but if you watch for the patterns you will see themes emerge. Those are the values of your customers rising to the top.

Last step? Give your customers as much of what they value as you can, in every way you can think of.

It's a rough and ready method, but you'll be using valuegraphics to understand and engage people.

And you'll have become a values-driven organization!

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