Boosting Demand Generation Results by 8X

As consumer data becomes increasingly scarce thanks to new regulations and concerns about privacy and ethics, marketers are turning to Demand Generation to replace Growth Marketing models.

And we couldn’t be more thrilled about this change in direction. It’s an over-generalization, of course, but it means a shift from pushing people (data) through a funnel and hoping enough of them drop a few dollars while they are in there to a groundbreaking new approach where we build products, services, brands, and campaigns that people are magnetically attracted to.

One strategy that falls under the Demand Generation umbrella is to figure out who your best customers are, WHY they are your best customers, and then use that information to find more just like them. Think of it as a kind of customer cloning initiative.

You should look at your CRM system, isolate your best customers, and figure out WHY THEY CHOSE YOU; what price, features, benefits or emotions made them say yes. All good to know. But where Demand Generation gets super-powerful is when you isolate their VALUES ALIGNMENT. Because values are the most powerful force on earth.

Once you know the shared values of your customers, their behavior becomes predictable. Values are their GPS system, the reason why they turn left or right. Like a school of fish. Because we are all values-driven.

HERE‘S WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON: People only do anything because of what they's a neurological reality. It's what being human is. So if you know the SHARED values of your best customers, it's like knowing their GPS system. Like a school of fish, you can see why they turn left and know when they'll turn right. You can predict how they will react and put yourself in the way of that reaction.

In fact, simply adding Valuegraphic data to your demographic/psychographic insights stack makes each segment in your model as much as 8X more targetable. Your cloning efforts will be that much more successful.

Do you want to know what values drove your customers to choose you? We got you. How about the values that drive people to choose your competitors? No problem...we get asked that all the time. The shared human values of your internal teams? We can do that too.

Because like all people everywhere, your best customers are values-driven.

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