More Proof Than Ever Before

More Proof!

MY TEAM WILL CONFIRM THAT I GET GRUMPY ABOUT making changes to my new book manuscript. Because, as any author will tell you, once you hand the final draft over to your publisher you've agonized over every word and phrase many times.

BUT THEN SOMETHING ENORMOUS HAPPENS and you really have no choice. It's pretty safe to say this is one of those moments of enormity.

I've explained it all in the video below. But in short, we have MORE PROOF THAN EVER BEFORE of the unfair competitive advantage companies receive by adopting a values-driven perspective.

It's not hard. You don't have to build new factories or buy new equipment. You can become a values-driven organization almost overnight if you know which core values your customers and your internal teams have in common.

Best of all? This is our chance for our companies to do well while we do something good. Because if we change the way we look at the world, we can change the world.

#disruptdemographics #valuegraphics #marketing #behavioralscience #data #valuesdriven #values #valuesthinking