Will You Peak During the Pandemic?

Peaking During Pandemic

I have a cottage in a small seaside village up the coast from the city where I live.

The other day, I needed someone to help me with a complex issue involving disobedient curtains. So I went to the sewing store to see if they knew someone.

You know – the sewing store – the place where they sell fabric and thread and sewing machines. I haven’t been in one of these stores since I was a kid and my Mom dragged me along while she shopped for ‘patterns’ to sew something.

This is a small town, so of course they had the name of someone to help me. After handing over the business card for ‘Mrs. Sew & Sew’ (#truth) we got to talking about the pandemic and how it impacted their business. They seemed reluctant to say anything at first but eventually told me that business had been booming. Many people found themselves with spare time on their hands and were taking on new hobbies or revisiting old ones, and sewing was one of the beneficiaries of pandemic behavior change. I guess they were reluctant to say anything because so many businesses are having a tough time financially thanks to COVID-19, and we assume all the news is bad. But that’s not the case.

We’ve been working in several sectors with very big (and in one case global) organizations that have seen enormous gains during the pandemic. They all have the same question.

“Our sales are through the roof with new customers, but once things return to normal how can we keep them?”

It’s a very good question to ask. And it’s the sort of question that Valuegraphics profiling was made to answer.

For each client we’ve profiled their long-time customers and their new customers, and we’ve identified what values they have in common. And since values are the drivers behind why people do anything, once you can see the shared values of a group of people you know their OS. And once you know the OS for your target audience you can attract their attention, keep them interested, build desire, and engage them around whatever your business goals might be.

To get you started, you can download a report on the four new demand-driven markets the pandemic has created. It’s called the Silver Linings report, for obvious reasons. If you see a target audience in there that you think will benefit your brand, we’ve provided the Valuegraphics profiles, or the OS for that target group. I hope it helps!


If you know the values shared by your long-time customers and your new customers, you know the OS for your target audience.

Download the Silver Linings Report