SPEAKING SHORT: 4 years of work summed up in just a few minutes.
I think it was Mark Twain who said “If I’d had more time I’ve written a shorter letter.” The same holds true for public speaking. I managed to keep this very brief, but you know what? I think it’s better for it. Thanks a lot to the DMCNY for inviting me to address this power-broker breakfast of NYC’s movers and shakers. They laughed at my jokes, which means in my books they are all very smart and glamorous people.
And if you are wondering, those butchering tools hanging on the walls? I assume those are for speakers who go over their allotted time. Fortunately I behaved myself and they stayed on the wall, unused. ;)
David Allison, Founder of the Valuegraphics Database,. and author, We Are All the Same Age Now: The End of Demographic Stereotypes