Three Questions to Uncover the Values of Your Target Audience

by David Allison

All my speeches are based on the shared values of whoever my audience wants to reach.

Because once you know what people care about, you can engage and influence as much as 8X more powerfully than before. It’s true: shared values are the secret recipe for mass influence.

When I talk to CPG executives I teach them how to leverage the core values of their customers in the various global regions where they operate. When I talk to HR managers I speak about the values of the workforce they want to recruit. When I talk to technology companies I speak about using values to frame their sales pitch for institutional decision makers or end-user customers. You get the picture. Each speech is born of the same custom research we conduct for our research clients, but instead of a private meeting, I deliver the results on stage.

But there are two ways you can find the values of your target audience on your own.

The first way is to use the Valuegraphics Archetype Quiz in my book. It’s a simple set of 10 questions that you can send out to your staff, customers, prospects….whoever you want. The results, once tabulated, will point to an entire chapter of the book devoted to everything we know about one of ten Valuegraphic Archetypes. Each archetype chapter is a road map you can use to start creating values-driven solutions.

You can get a copy of my current book We Are All the Same Age Now on Amazon. Plus, sign up for my new book, out in the fall, The Death of Demographics: Valuegraphic Marketing for a Values-Driven World. What’s the difference? The first book features what we know about the USA and Canada, but the new book covers those two countries, plus 178 others….so basically, the entire world.

The second method is 100% free. Just use the Three Telltale Questions.

Everything you need to know is in the video below. Just ask these three questions and listen carefully for the themes that will emerge in the responses you receive.

And as always, I hope this helps!